Friday, October 3, 2014

Week 7 (Essay): Writitng and Proofreading Strategies

Through out my college career, I have not had to write as much until this class. However, in high school, I had to write a lot. I learned a few tips and tricks along the way.

For choosing a topic, a good tip is to choose a semi-general topic. Then research the topic a bit to find something to focus on more. I have found this tip particularly helpful. For me, I am very indecisive and sometimes I want to write about everything so it is difficult for me to focus on just one topic. Another thing is to not be afraid to edit or revise the topic. I have learned that my initial topic will most likely be different from the topic of my final draft.

For brainstorming, I do a few different tricks. Sometimes I will do a web bubble with the topic in the center small details or notes branching out from the topic. Other times, I will do an outline with topics I want to discuss and the order I want to discuss them. This method really helps organize a proper formatting and organization with my essays. The final method that I like to use and use the most out of the prior three is to just start writing about the topic and do not worry too much about the punctuation or the grammar. Once I am done with that, I will go through each paragraph looking for grammatical errors, awkward wording, unimportant context, etc.  I find this tip most helpful because I can see what topics I need to expand on and which ones I can leave out. I like to use this method the most because I have less chance of writer’s block when I just write and not worry too much about the small details.  

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