Jewish Fairy Tales
The Giant of the Flood - I have never heard of this version of the story of Noah's Ark. It had a lot of supernatural creatures like a unicorn and phoenix. The basic overview is a giant did not want to starve during the Great Flood so he agreed to be the Noah's and his descendants' servant in exchange for food. This lasted for generations. Then Og, the giant, died. I felt like this story was very lighthearted compared to the other version that I am used to.
The Beggar King - I really liked this story. There was a ruthless king and he was very proud of himself. He met a genie and the genie took the King's throne and so the ruthless king had to live his life as a beggar for months. Once the king realized how to be humble and serve others, the genie gave him back his throne. This story was also very lighthearted.
The Quarrel of the Cat and Dog - This was also really cute. I like how this story explains why cats and dogs fight with each other. It definitely overemphasized the stereotype of cats and dogs. I found it a little bit funny as well.
The Water-Babe - I really liked this story too. I know that I have been saying that for all of the stories, but I really do like them. They show a different perspective of the Bible that I feel like not many people know. This story is about the childhood of Moses.
From Shepard-Boy to King - This story I did not understand or enjoy as much as the other ones. It is about a shepard-boy that runs off into the forest. He finds a gigantic deer as large as a mountain and he climbs on top of it. Then he slides off the deer when its head is bent. Unfortunately, when the boy lands on the ground, it is right in front of a lion. After that, the deer saves the boy. Then the boy reaches back to humanity and the deer tells him that he will be king. I think I would have understood this much better if I knew the song or story it is referring too.
The Magic Palace - This story was about Ibrahim, who I think changes his name to Abraham later on, searching for money to feed his family. He comes across an Arab builder and the Arab offers to be his slave. The Arab tells Ibrahim to find a wealthy merchant wanting to build a new home and to sell his new Arab slave to the merchant so that he may build the house. Ibrahim does so and earns a lot of money. Then the Arab builds the house in one night by praying, but on that night, Ibrahim had a dream about the Arab. He then realizes that the Arab is Elijah, the Prophet. I'm not sure who that is in the Bible, but he must have been important. I also liked this story a lot.
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