Friday, September 12, 2014

Week 4 (Essay): Orientation Week Proofreading Assessment

I thought the assignment was easy when I was doing it. I thought there were not many mistakes in either of my stories. However, when I got the comments back, the results surprised me. I missed a lot of basic verb rules like subject-verb agreement and the correct tense of the verb. Many of my mistakes were ones that I should have caught, but I suppose I was going through the assignment too quickly. Before this assignment, I did not know “shown” and “shone” were different words. They both sound the same and I do not think I have had to spell either word until now. In many of my other college courses, I do not have to write very much because I am mostly solving problems. However, proper grammar is vital to my future career because it demonstrates how competent I am. Therefore, for my writing goals, I want to become better at my grammar and proofread better. I will now be more aware of my subject-verb agreements and take more time into proofreading my material. Usually if I am unsure about spelling, I refer to For punctuation and many other writing questions, I refer to Microsoft Word. This is not the best method. Now, I should refer to online references and carefully make sure whether or not the sentence makes sense. Maybe I have been reading too many books with descriptive and flamboyant diction that I have forgotten proper English grammar. Some advice that I would give to myself this semester is to take things slow when I am writing and proofreading my work. Writing is a form of communication to others so I do not want to sound incompetent because of poor grammar. Just because I passed the high school AP English Language exam does not mean I am a master at grammar. I still have much room to grow in that aspect.

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