Monday, September 15, 2014

Comment Wall

Leave your comments below!


  1. Thanks for leaving such a kind post on my comment wall, Paula! I enjoyed your story when I read it, so I decided to comment on it :) And sorry for not making the reading unit clear! If you do end up reading the one I recommended, I hope you like it!

  2. Hello, Paula! I really enjoyed your Portfolio so far. Personally, I preferred the earliest story about the Fisherman and the husband. That was my favorite and I think it was because of how dark a turn it took. I don't particularly have a thing for "dark" material, but I thought the husband got what he deserved for his cocky attitude, if that makes sense. I really thought you did a great job of showing the motives of the two characters as to why they are acting the way they are, which helped me in understanding where the story was going and I never felt like an action by a character was out of nowhere, which is made for smooth storytelling.

    I also enjoyed the story involving the couple. My only critique on this story is that it felt as though it went on for a little too long. It may have something to do with the format of the dialogue and things like that. I thought it to be an enjoyable story as well, just a little less than the other story due to that one little detail. I will have to come back to this blog to read more throughout the rest of the semester!

  3. Hi Paula! I wanted to say thank you for the comment you left on my week 13 essay! I was surprised that anyone read my essay to begin with and then you realized something that I definitely had not. You're definitely right though about the deadly sins being similar! Thanks for taking the extra time to look that up and to bring it to my attention as well!
