Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 6 (Storytelling): Kai-Lan


January 7, 1707

“To my one and only Kaipo,
It has been many months since our last meeting. I constantly think about you and the past times when we were together. Remember when we used to gaze at the stars or when we found that lost puppy? I recently saw that puppy with its family and she looked very happy! I wish I could feel just as happy. I miss your handsome face looking at me. I miss your strong hands holding mine. I miss your calm voice steadying my heart. Ever since my father forbade me to see you, you are all I can think about.

I hate my father. He and his servants are constantly watching me. My father is frequently boasting to others how he drove you away. He invites many suitors into my home. He is expecting me to marry one of them. However, I refuse all of them. You are all that I want. No one can compare to you. Our love is stronger than any distance that keeps us apart. I will never betray our love or you.

We have been apart for too long. These past months have felt like centuries to me. Time moves so slowly when you are not around. I cannot wait anymore. My father is hosting a feast for all in the province tomorrow night. Please come. I must see you. I must be with you.

Your Dearest Aelan”

The next night, the feast was held. It was possibly grander than any of the king’s feasts. People from all over the province came to enjoy the festivities. They were everywhere and the room was filled with constant laughter and merriment. Everyone was enjoying the party except for one, Aelan. She constantly kept an eye out for her dear lover. However, she could not find him. Dismayed, she stepped outside into the garden to get away from the crowd. Suddenly, she heard shrubs shake and turned around to see her lover, Kaipo, standing there in front of her. She ran to him and they embraced. Tears filled her eyes and it felt as if they had never been separated at all. Kaipo looked lovingly into Aelan’s eyes. Right then, he pleaded her to elope with him. She did not think twice before complying. They both jumped on his horse and while they did that, a servant saw them trying to escape. He immediately told Aelan’s father and a search party was formed.

Kaipo and Aelan went far past the city limits and into the dangerous and rocky mountains. The two lovers came to a huge canyon and had nowhere to go. The search party was catching up to them. They were trapped. Kaipo and Aelan looked at each other and nodded. They both decided that they would rather die together than be separated again. So, they jumped. They were so close to making it to the other side, but their weight was just too much. The couple and their steed fell into the river at the bottom of the canyon. The search party saw this. The river was two hundred feet below the top of the rocky canyon, so there was no way the couple could have survived. They decided that there was no reason to continue and they returned home. However, by the will of God, the couple and horse fell into the river and survived the fall. They scrambled out of the river with a few bruises, but very much alive. The couple was so tired that they laid on the riverbank and looked up into the stars. They lived happily ever after.

Author's Note - The original storyline comes from Lovers' Leap in the Laos Unit. For my past storytellings, I usually do a modernization of the plot, but this time I did something different and tried a love letter style. In the original plot, the lovers do not make it over the cliff, but I wanted to have a happier ending than that. Then, in my original storytelling, I wrote that the couple made it over to the other side of the canyon, but I realized that it was a bit predictable so I changed it for my portfolio to the way it is now. I actually like my new ending a lot and I think it is more interesting. Other than that, I kept the story basically the same. For the title, I combined the lovers' names together. In Laotian, "Kaipo" is a male name meaning "sweetheart" and "Aelan" is a female name meaning "flower." I know that it is pretty cheesy. In fact, my whole story is pretty cheesy. I imagined the lovers to be around sixteen or seventeen years old so I figured that I could get away with it. This reminded me a bit of Romeo and Juliet as I was reading it so I added the detail about the stars. Star-crossed lovers usually have tragic endings because the stars controls people’s fates, but like I said, I wanted a happier ending. Therefore, in the end, I just had the couples stare at the stars as a triumph over what their fate should have been. 

If you are having trouble deciding what unit to read next week, I highly recommend the Laos Unit! It has some really good stories and many have surprising endings. The diction and wording are also easy to read! If you have any suggestions for what I should read next week, please leave a comment below!

Book: Laos Fairy Tales
Author: Katherine Neville Fleeson
Year Published: 1899
Web Source: Project Gutenberg


  1. I’m so glad that you gave this couple a happy ending! I went back and read the original story, and it sucks that they took a chance and didn’t make it. Maybe the original ending was more realistic, but I definitely liked this ending better. Also, I really enjoyed the way you characterized this couple. They really did seem faithful to each other, both by their words and actions. Neither tried to back out or even hesitate when their death seemed imminent. Anyways, this was a really interesting story!

    Also, if you’re looking for a weird and interesting reading unit, try Lang’s African Tales. The first story may be a little creepy, but it definitely has an ending you don’t see coming. And the rest of the stories of the stories are interesting as well.

  2. I really liked your retelling of this story. I especially liked that you started it with the love letter. I thought that set the tone very well. It showed the couple's commitment to each other more than description could. I also liked that you had them live happily ever after. While it may not have been as realistic as the original ending, it was much more satisfying to read. Great job!

  3. Hello Paula! Oh what an interesting title, the name Kai-Lan is a very beautiful name indeed. It would be a perfect nickname. First off, what a cute love story. The classic forbidden love story is always a good read. You were able to describe Aelan’s sorrow very well, I like how descriptive you were. The ending was very unexpected, at first I was sure they were going to die but to my delight they lived. I’m a sucker for a good happy ending. Good job on your story Paula!

  4. I love what you did for the title of the story using the names and the meanings behind them. It might be cheesy, but like you said, I envisioned these characters as teenagers. And let's be honest; teenage love is cheesy, so I think you captured it perfectly. I really enjoyed how you have the beginning as a love letter and then switch to the third person storytelling. It really adds to the story and makes it flow nicely. I think the ending was perfect and I am glad that the couple got to end up together how they wanted. Thanks for the recommendation for the Laos reading unit. It seems like it includes some interesting stories and is fairly simple to follow.
