Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Week 1:C-H-I-C-A-G-O! (My Favorite Place)

My favorite place that I have been to thus far is the Windy City, Chicago, Illinois. I went there this past spring break and it was, I guess you could say, "milestone" in my life because it was my first time traveling on my own. I was lucky enough to stay with family up there, but they had work most of the day. So I spent my days wandering the streets on my own (something I would never do in Oklahoma). I loved the city life with so many people walking somewhere and the bustling of the cars. I even loved the more suburban area of North Chicago where all of the smaller and local business came alive at night. My favorite thing about Chicago: the arts. I am far from having an acting career or creating the next masterpiece, but I greatly appreciate them. Here are so photos I took while in Chicago:
(image: personal photo of the Chicago skyline on the way to Museum Campus;
photo from March 2014)

(image: personal photo of inside the Chicago Culture Center;
photo from March 2014)

(image: personal photo of Sears Tower (Willis Tower);
photo from March 2014)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for getting the post done, Paula - super! And Chicago is a GREAT city! Thanks for sharing all those photos. So much to do there... and so many museums, too! I've only been to Chicago a couple of times, and I would be so happy to have an excuse to go back there! You're not the only person who's posted about Chicago this week. I hope to do a mega-map of some kind so that people can see shared favorite places!
