Thursday, August 21, 2014

Week 1: My First Un-Textbook

I am actually pretty excited for this class. I have never heard of an "Un-Textbook" so I don't really know what is in store for me. I have always been fascinated by different cultures and ideologies, but never motivated to really read different ones. I am hoping this class will improve my knowledge of that. Let's gooooo Fall 2014!

Week 2: I have always been interested in Indian Fairy Tales so I am going to start up my semester with that unit. I work at the library as an aide and each time I pass by this section, I skim through a few of the books. My knowledge of Indian Fairy Tales is still quite minimal so I want to expand that.

Week 3: On the second week, I want to read the Adam and Eve unit. I was raised a Catholic, but I have lost touch with my religion over the years. I am not really looking to rediscover my religion, rather, I am curious of the stories because I grew up not knowing them.

Week 4: Next, it is Russian Folktales. One of my favorite movies is Anna Karenina so I thought it would be cool to read up on those stories even though they probably have no correlation with each other.

Week 5: Then, it is the Arabian Nights unit because I feel like it is such a popular theme for parties like prom or a wedding, but I have never really looked into the history or stories of it. It must be interesting since so many people use it right?

Week 6: After that, it is the Laos unit. I have a few friends that are Laotian, but out of all the cultures of Southeastern Asia, Laotian culture is one of the, if not is, the culture that I know the least about so I am curious about it.

Week 7: Then, it is Decameron. I have never heard of this before, but I read the synopsis and it seemed interesting.

Week 9: For week 9, I will read the Bible Women unit. I am always one for women empowerment. In the bible, I feel like women are typically shamed in it so I want to be proven wrong.

Week 10: I am not familiar with the Finnish culture, but I have been planning on traveling around Europe once I graduate college so I figured why not educate myself a bit? I have no idea what the Kalevala unit has in store for me.

Week 11: I do know quite a bit about Japanese Mythology, but I thought that it would be good to reread on somethings and then compare it to the new stories that I will have read. I may gain better or new perspective on these stories.

Week 12: Then, it is the Jataka unit. Although I did not grow up as Buddhist, I am definitely intrigued by the teachings of Buddha. I like the idea of enlightenment and disciplining yourself mentally.

Week 13:After that, I will read the Congo unit because, well why not? It seems interesting. I don't know much about the Congos.

Week 14: Finally, I will end with Faerie Queene because it has a really cool unit title.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Paula, apparently you did two versions of this post, so I am kind of confused (one version was copied from the sample)... but now I see the post you edited here. One thing that's important is that the week by week progression by geographical regions - so Indian Fairy Tales would come during Weeks 4/5 (the Mideast-Indian section), the Jataks also come during that same two-week period, etc. I hope that makes sense! If you look at the table of contents, you'll see the week by week schedule. Let me know if you have any questions about that!

    1. I'm sorry, but not sure what other version you are talking about because I only have had one blog post about the Un-Textbook. Before I wrote my blog post I did copy and paste the sample to use as a template for it, but that was it.

  3. Hi Paula, it's the template that you published; when you publish something, it goes into the folder I use for reading and replying to blog posts. So please don't publish something until it really is ready - you can save it as a draft, no problem (there is a save button next to the publish one). So use that save button as you work on drafts, if you want, tha twill work perfectly. Then, when you are done, hit publish. :-)
