Monday, August 25, 2014

Blog Template

I chose this blog template because I was greatly attracted to the colors and I liked the style of the format. I only changed the background picture because I thought others who used this template kept it the same and I wanted to be at least a little bit unique.

I have blogged before. Years ago, before Facebook went viral, there was It was an online blogging site. I can't remember what I used to blog on it, but it must have not been about much because I was in grade school and my main concerns back then were if my Neopets were hungry or if I would be the first one to play four squares at recess. Even after died, I continued to blog a little on my tumblr. I started it in high school so a lot of my older posts are about how much I hate my acne or how stressed I used to be from homework. Now, my blog is not so much used for writing down my thoughts, but more for reblogging what I find amusing or interesting. Even so, I do not use it very much. Once a month or so, I do decide to go on a reblogging binge so follow me if you want! I am always looking for new people to follow or you can feel free to just browse through my tumblr.

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